Friday 26 April 2013


I'm moving here. The pen is ready.
Let's see if it works.
I'll see you in a while.
Come back...

The Chemist

She weighs and she measures
And she consults her books for the answers
While none came.

The questions would be moot
If she were to ask what happened
Before the combustion

The flasks are still waiting for the liquid and the gas
And the flames would be nothing but fumes
As she patiently waits for her turn to lie on the couch
And tell her story
More than I could ever describe
More than I could attempt to tell you

More than my riches,
more than my sanity, more than anybody else.

I love you so much that I am willing to let you go
If you’d ever want to leave.
So much that I’ll live and die and outlive death if it be so
So much that I’ll never ask if you loved me back
I love you more than you’ll ever care to know

Thursday 25 April 2013

The Unforgotten Room

I still remember you kiss my cheeks as I look outside that window
Somewhere far, a lifetime ago.
I still remember you hold me tight
I still remember you hug me close
Somewhere far, long ago.
If I can go back to that place,
and to that time,
If I could I'll give these all up a second time.
And when it ends, I'll wish again.
I'll give these all up once more.
Over and over and over.

Love Circles

Believe me when I say I tried. 
Believe me I cannot forget you
Teach me. Please teach me how?

Tell me when to make a forward move
And let me go. You make it hard

Soon as I'm almost there, you pull me back to you
And I'm back to where I started

Which is where I wanted to be in the first place

Inside Out

You are the story of my life
I can never tell the world.